During my research, I found several articles in the Steubenville (Ohio) Herald Star newspaper on the Umberto Pace Society. The group was comprised of citizens of Pettorano sul Gizio, Italy or their family members who lived in the Steubenville area. Their purpose was simple described in the local newspaper, "its purpose is the binding together of former residents of the town of Pettorano sul Gizio in Italy".
The group was founded in 1931. Two years later, James Carrara served as the club's president. Entertainment for the second annual meeting in 1933 included Rocco Cicone, the Berarducci Trio, Lena Trombetti, R. Yannon and Ross Monaco.
In December of 1933, the club meet to elect officers for 1934. Quirmo Lancia was elected president. Others elected included: Pasquale Ioffolo, Guiseppe Cicone, Oreste Serafin, Marco Ginetti, Pietro Giannamore, Pietro Suffoletta, Rocco Cicone and Pietro Lancia. In another note that was important to me included the evening's entertainment. The music was provided by Giovanni Ciccolella and Pietro Lancia. Ciccolella is my grandfather. I have several photos of him with musical items, he loved to play the accordion.
In March of 1936, the club celebrated its 5th Anniversary. Holding office at the time were Rocco Berarducci, Cesidio Grossi, Guiseppe Cicone, Giovanni DiFonso, Pietro Bonitatibus, Costanzo Grossi, Pietro Soffoletta, Antonia Monaco and Pasquale Cicone. The club was praise for being a successful organization during its first five year, "...they have been very successful in its purpose of setting a high standard of brotherhood and unity among its members and providing for the entertainment of all who belong to the Umberto Pace club."
After seeing several articles, I began to wonder, Who was Umberto Pace? So through a little more internet research, I found out that Umberto Pace was a native of Pettorano Sul Gizio, Italy. He was considered a war hero, killed August 14, 1915 in Mount Sljeme (Croatia). He was awarded the first Gold Medal in the "Great War", what many called World War I.
Today, there is a plaza in Pettorano sul Gizio dedicated to Umberto Pace. A plaque is also on display for his honor.
I just came across your blog while searching the Internet, after finding what appears to be a tie tack from the "Umberto Pace Club." This was among the items I found in the family home of my father, after the last of my aunts & uncles had passed away. My father (Mario Monaco)and his older sister (Rosa) were born in Pettorano, and came to Steubenville in the early part of the 1900s. My grandfather was Antonio Monaco, and I'm wondering if he may be the "Antonia" Monaco referred to in your post? I'm sure it's possible, although I've recently learned that the father of Ross Monaco (also a former Steubenville resident and mentioned above) was also named Antonio. I had been told growing up that Ross and my father were "distant cousins." Many of the names on your blog are very familiar to me. I see a Father Anthony Monaco mentioned, who was a brother of Margaret Ferelli. Mrs. Ferelli was also a cousin of my father, lived across the street from his family, and in fact when she moved from her house my uncle and two remaining aunts bought her house! This was on South 6th Street in Steubenville, in the same block where Dean Martin lived. Thank you for posting this information about the Umberto Pace Society. It was actually the ONLY information I've found on this on the Internet. Ciao.