Friday, December 24, 2010


Head Stone of Pietro and Carmela Bonitatibus

 While researching the Pettorano sul Gizio to Stubenville, Ohio connection I often ran across the surname Bonitatibus.  Two obits have already been added to the blog.  So I am attaching some photos from Mt. Calvary Cemetery.  Headstone photos included are Ascenzo Bonitatibus, Carmela Bonitatibus, Pietro Bonitatibus, Ida Bonitatibus, Margaret Cipriani Bonitatibus, Nick P. Bonitatibus and Helen Bonitatibus.  Also, I found a note in the newspaper from November 21, 1918 that the infant child of Pietro Bonitatibus died at 633 South Sixth Street, Steubenville, Ohio.   I hope you enjoy.


  1. This is the gravesite of my paternal grandparents. I had a wonderful childhood surrounded by my Bonitatibus and Camerlengo grandparents.

    Paul Bonitatibus

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